BadgeMaker Design Gradients
BadgeMaker Design, ID Card Software

BadgeMaker Design Gradients: How to add multi-color gradients to your card design

BadgeMaker Design Gradients – Thank you for choosing the card design software BadgeMaker, this post shows you how to add a gradient background or other shapes to your card design.

BadgeMaker Design: Multi-color gradients

Step 1. Add a shape element to your card design

To add a gradient background to your card design, select the shape tool and click on the card. Resize the shape to cover the complete background of the card. Go to the “Style” tab in the element properties and set the line thickness to “0”.

BadgeMaker Shape element
BadgeMaker Design -Add a shape as background

Step 2. Change the Shape color to a linear multi-color gradient

The background color of an element can be one color or a multicolor gradient color linear or radial. Click on the linear gradient icon to create this gradient, set the angle of the linear gradient in degrees and click on the “+” button to add more colors to the gradient. To select a different color click on the color box you want to change.

Create gradients under the style tab in element properties

Linear Gradients
BadgeMaker Design with multi-color gradient

Step 3. Change shape color to a radial multi-color gradient
Click on the radial icon to change the gradient to a circle. Select how you would like to stretch the gradient using the stretch mode.

BadgeMaker Design create radial gradient in element properties

Start creating Badgemaker design gradients now.

Radial Gradient
BadgeMaker Design with a Radial Gradient
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Employee Badge Maker: Add new record
BadgeMaker Identity, ID Card Software

BadgeMaker Identity: How to add a record manually

Thank you for choosing the employee badge maker software: BadgeMaker. This post shows how to add a record manually in BadgeMaker Identity. Records are single data rows that contain information of one person. There is a button for adding and deleting a single record manually. To add multiple records, you can choose to import an Excel file.

First step is open a existing project in BadgeMaker Identity.

BadgeMaker Identity

Step 1. Add a new record

Click on the new record button in the Quick menu, the pop-up window with entry form allows the user to add data and Capture a Photo and Signature.

Enter the needed information for each field and click on the “Next Step” button to add a photo.

Employee Badge Maker: add a record icon
Employee Badge Maker: add a record pop-up

Step 2. Add a photo to the record

A. Select the source of camera you want to use from the drop-down menu. You can choose to use your webcam or a TWAIN camera that is installed and connected to your computer.

B. Click on the “Start automatic capture” button. The application will detect your face automatically and take three pictures. You can select one of the three pictures to add to the new record.

C. The Photo functionality will show you the camera view.

D. Click on the “Capture photo” button. The Photo functionality will show you the camera view. You are also able to upload an image from your computer. Click on the “Open file…” button to select an image from a file.

Step 3. Add a Signature to your new record

Use a connected signature pad to write a signature into this field or select a signature from file. Scale the signature using the slider.

We have added all the needed data for this record and can now add the record to this project. Connect the record to a card design and print the card in the employee badge maker.

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BadgeMaker How to add a new project
BadgeMaker Identity, ID Card Software

BadgeMaker Identity: How to start a new project

Thank you for choosing the id badge maker software: BadgeMaker. This post shows you how to create a new project in BadgeMaker Identity. Start a new project and add or import card holder data, connect your card designs, add triggers and print your cards.

BadgeMaker Identity

First step is to click on the BadgeMaker Identity icon to start the software for managing your data and print your cards. Go to “File” in the main menu and click on “New” or click on the icon in the quick menu. Now click on the “New project” link or button and select one of the six options to start a new project.

Step 1. Start a new BadgeMaker project

Click on “Create a New Project” if you want to begin with a blank data grid and setup your own data columns.

Start with the setup of your project structure. The software offers you a couple of default data columns. Change or delete the columns you do not need and add columns to your liking.

Give your new project a name and add the needed data columns. We will add the data fields you also use in your Card Design.

The first data column will represent a unique number to identify a specific card holder. We will name the database field Employee number, set the data type to number and check the boxes to make this data field “Required” and “Unique”.

We will keep the Firstname, Lastname, number of cards and card status. Change the date of birth column to expiry date and add a new column for the “Functions”. Click on the “Add new property” button and give it the Functions name and add Country.

With the default input field, you can add a standard value to your data field, empty fields and new records will automatically get the default value you add to this data field.

Click on the “X” button to delete a data column from the project structure setup.

Click on the “Next step” button to go to step 2.

BadgeMaker Create new Project -id badge maker
ID Badge Maker Create a new project - id badge maker

Step 2. Add biometric data to your project

Enable the biometric images you need in your project and determine how they will be stored.

The box for ID photos makes photos visible in the project and enables you to add photos. After checking the box, determine the ratio of the photo.

Select how and where photos will be saved within your project. Check this box if you want to use data columns to represent the filename of the photos saved in this project.

Select the format (png, jpg or bmp) and size, the image needs to be saved as.

The box for the signature makes signatures visible in the project and enables you to add signatures. The signature section works the same as the Passport photo section mentioned earlier.

Step 3. Setup the view configuration

Click on the “Next step” and choose for the default configuration or adjust the setup for Detailed and Gallery view.

ID Badge Maker Add new Project step 2 Biometrics

Step 4. Add Card Designs

Step 4. allows you to add card designs to your new project.

Select one of the available designs. Click on the “Add” button to add the design to your project. If you want to remove a design from your project, select one of the designs in this list and click on the remove button to delete the selected design from your project.

Select a design and then click on the “Edit bindings” button if you want to edit the bindings for the dynamic data of the card design.

The data binding tool is a powerful option in BadgeMaker Identity. When you add a new layout or update a layout you will be prompted to create the data bindings. Dynamic fields used and created in your layout may differ from the naming or spelling of a name that exists in your Project database. Therefore, you will be allowed to create the data bindings. The dynamic fields that are created in the layout are presented to the left and you can bind these dynamic fields to the database fields. The tool will create the bindings for you that are obvious: if they are the same or as they were bonded at the previous update; of course, you will be able to modify the bindings and confirm these settings. The new or modified layout will be available in the dashboard of BadgeMaker Identity.

Step 4 select card designs - id badge maker

Step 5. Setup triggers for your ID badge maker project

Step 5. Allows you to setup triggers for your project. Triggers can be used to automatically change data in your project on a certain condition or event.

A new project like we are creating has a couple of standard data columns connected to triggers that are also setup by default. For this project we will keep the default triggers. The number of cards will add value and increment by 1 after printing. The card status will automatically change to “Valid card” after printing.

Click on the create project and the new structure is ready. Now add data manually or import data.

Thank you for choosing id badge maker: BadgeMaker

Step 5 set triggers - id badge maker
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Add a photo, signature and Dynamic logo with id card maker BadgeMaker
BadgeMaker Design, ID Card Software

BadgeMaker Design: How to add a passport photo, signature and a dynamic logo

Thank you for choosing the ID card maker BadgeMaker, this post shows you how to use placeholders for dynamic data like an ID photo, signature or a dynamic logo in your card design.

Step 1. Add an ID photo placeholder

To personalize a card, you can add a placeholder for an ID photo, that is automatically linked to the card holders’ ID photo’s in your BadgeMaker Identity project.

Click on the ID Photo tool in BadgeMaker Design and click on the front of the card. Resize the ID photo element to your liking. You can add a border to frame the photo. Go to Element Properties, click on the style tab and change the border thickness.

Add photo to ID card maker BadgeMaker
Add photo to id card maker BadgeMaker

Step 2. Add a Signature placeholder

A signature placeholder can also be added to your card design. The signature placeholder is also linked to the cardholders’ signatures in your BadgeMaker Identity project. The placeholder shows a dummy signature. Click on the signature tool and then click on frontside of the card. Resize the placeholder to the needed size and drag it to the correct location for your card design.

Add signature placeholder
Add Signature Placeholder in id card maker BadgeMaker

Step 3. Add a Dynamic logo

Click on the Dynamic logo tool in the BadgeMaker Design toolbar, click on the card in the canvas and go to the first tab of the “Element properties”. Select the dynamic field representing the needed data for the dynamic logo.

Keep the aspect ratio and keep the interpolation mode set to default. Now add the dynamic logos, the images need to represent four countries so add four images. Click on the “” button to select the flag images.

To get the correct flag to appear with the correct card holders’ country, add the associated value. This value needs to be the exact value corresponding with the data in the project. We will add USA, CA, UK and NL.

Do not forget to save the card design. You are now ready to use your card design in BadgeMaker Identity and create a project with card holders.

Thank you for choosing id card maker: BadgeMaker

Add Dynamic Logo
Add Dynamic logo in id card maker BadgeMaker
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ID Card Designer Add Static & Dynamic text
BadgeMaker Design, ID Card Software

BadgeMaker Design: How to add static & dynamic text

Thank you for choosing the ID Card Designer BadgeMaker, this post explains more about using the text tool and dynamic fields when creating your card design.

After creating the first steps of a card design, like the background and adding a logo it is time to add text to your card design.

You can make use of static text and or dynamic text. When creating a card design that does not contain any personalized data, like for example a gift card, static text can be used. When creating an ID card for your employees, dynamic data is needed for your card design. Typically, Dynamic data will change for every card printed.

In this example we create a design for an employee card, that displays the employee name, function, number and the expiry date of the card. The card design needs to be printed for thirty different employees.

You do not have to design thirty card designs and type in every card holders’ data by hand, we create dynamic fields so we can connect these dynamic fields to a data column that contains thirty names for example.


Step 1. Add {Dynamic Fields}

Go to the Card design view in BadgeMaker Design and click on the dynamic fields tab, click on the “+” button to add a dynamic field. In this example we create five dynamic fields. Next, we are naming the dynamic fields, so we know which data they represent.

The first dynamic field will represent the “Firstname”, the second the “Lastname”, the third the “Function”, the fourth the “Employee number” and the fifth the “Expiry date”.

ID Card Designer Add Dynamic Fields
ID Card Designer, BadgeMaker Design Dynamic Fields


Step 2. Add Static Text to your design

Now that we created the dynamic fields, we will use the text tool to add text to the card design. Click on the text tool, then click on the card and go to “Element Properties” to edit the text.

First create the static text labels, in this case “Name:”, “Function:”, “Employee number:” and “Expiry date:”.

ID Card Designer Text tool
ID Card Designer, BadgeMaker Design: Add Static text


Step 3. Add Dynamic text elements

We also use the text tool for the dynamic text. You can use one text element for static and dynamic text, but for this design we want to give the text labels a different look from the dynamic data. Changing the font size and making the text bold.

Add Dynamic text elements using the dynamic fields, first select firstname from the dynamic field drop down menu and click on the add button. Do the same for the lastname, function, employee number and expiry date. You can recognize a dynamic field by the {braces} on each side of the word.

A nice personalized Card Design using images, shapes, static text and dynamic text created with BadgeMaker Design, the ID Card Designer.

ID Card Designer, Add Dynamic Fields to text
ID Card Designer, Add Dynamic text
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